Meet the expert...
Dr Craig Rogers
Director – SABRE Alliance, Defence Science & Technology Group at Department of Defence

Currently, Craig is Director of SABRE at DST Group, this role involves engagement and the leveraging of capability in the Australian Biotechnology sector to assist in meeting requirements of the Australia Defence Force. Craig’s background is a combination of science and business, where he completed a PhD in biotechnology in 2003, a post-doctoral position in the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at the Flinders Medical Centre, and an MBA in Technology Management. Craig’s other roles at DST have included Director of Science Translation, Director of the Technology Partnerships Office and Program Lead for the Small Business Innovation Research for Defence (SBIRD) program under the Next Generation Technologies Fund. Craig’s career has also included a number of secondments, including 12 months to the UK’s Defence Science Technology Laboratory and 1 month to the Defence Science Organisation in Singapore where he undertook a study into Defence innovation and technology translation. Craig was also seconded to the Defence Innovation Partnership in Adelaide where he facilitated connections between Defence and the wider scientific community in South Australia.