Meet the expert...
Zoltan David
Director (Safety Assurance) at Mage Consulting

Zoltan is a professional engineering consultant with a strong focus on railways. He has two degrees specific to railway engineering: a bachelor in railway vehicles and a masters in railway systems engineering. He has spent the last decade in a diverse range of engineering roles in the railway industry working on some of the most complex infrastructure, signalling and rolling stock projects internationally and within Australia. He has a good understanding of topics such as vehicle dynamics, track defects, gauging, electrical propulsion systems, RAM and systems engineering. However, in the last seven years he has been predominantly engaged in safety engineering and assurance with a keen interest in complex multi-disciplinary projects, approval of emerging technologies and solving other niche safety-related problems. He founded Mage Consulting in 2022 as a specialist safety engineering consultancy which he has been leading and growing since.