Are real-time payments the goal?

Are real-time payments the goal?

28 Sep 2022
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Trends disrupt the fintech sector every day, but which ones are temporary and which ones will have a lasting impact on the industry for years to come? We spoke with Nick Kerigan, Managing Director and Head of Innovation at SWIFT, and Ilker Sözdinler, CEO and Founder of United Payments to discuss real-time payments and whether they are the ultimate financial goal.

Table Of Contents

Meet the experts exploring whether real-time payments are just a trend or a long-term contender in the fintech field.
What are real-time payments?
Kerigan details real-time payments and their capacity to change the lives of customers and businesses.
Why are people talking about real-time payments?
Sözdinler explains the popularity behind real-time payments and the effects it has on commerce and the customer.
Are real-time payments the ultimate goal?
Kerigan and Sözdinler explore whether real-time payments should be regarded as the ultimate goal, whilst considering global regulations and peoples' daily lives.
What timeframe do you see real-time payments being used on a larger scale?
Sözdinler sheds light on the future of real-time payments.
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