Why reverse mentoring is good for you, your employees and your business

Why reverse mentoring is good for you, your employees and your business


Many people have a mentor at some point in their career - someone to learn from and to help guide them. Usually that person is older, more experienced, more senior in the company. But it doesn't have to be that way. HR Advisor and Reverse Mentor Consultant, Rebecca Early, talked to Streamly about the benefits - and the challenges - of reverse mentoring. Find out how flipping the relationship can benefit you and your company.

Table Of Contents

What is a reverse mentoring ?
Discover the concept of reverse mentoring, where junior employees mentor senior leaders, and how this approach fosters inclusivity, fresh insights, and improved communication.
Benefits of reverse mentoring
According to Early, reverse mentoring offers multifaceted benefits, including empowering leaders with empathy, accountability, and boundary setting while giving junior staff a bigger voice in the company.
What happens in a session?
Early shares some of the most common themes for reverse mentoring.
Benefits for the organisation
Early emphasises that establishing trust-based relationships between employees and senior leaders serves as a platform for open communication, giving employees a sense of their thoughts being valued and contributing to the business.
The challenges
For Early, balancing mentor and mentee roles in reverse mentoring can be tricky when roles are reversed but empowering mentors with conversation skills is key.
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