Meet the expert...
Agnieszka Ason
Senior Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Agnieszka Ason is an independent energy lawyer and consultant with over ten years of sector-specific legal and commercial experience. She has worked on energy transactions and disputes with top-tier law firms in Berlin, London and Singapore, and has acted (as legal counsel and expert) in major energy arbitrations and gas and LNG price reviews in Europe and Asia. She has expertise in gas, LNG and hydrogen-related matters and currently prioritises assignments as an arbitrator and strategic advisor.
Alongside her legal and advisory work, Agnieszka is a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, where she has published high-impact papers, including studies on 'Asian LNG Price Reviews and Arbitrations' (2019) and 'International Gas Contracts' (2022). She has edited several energy publications, including OGEL (Oil, Gas and Energy Law) Issues on ‘Changing LNG Markets and Contracts’ (2020) and ‘Carbon Neutral Energy’ (2022).
Agnieszka is a regular speaker and moderator at industry events. She is an Honorary Lecturer in International Dispute Resolution at Queen Mary University of London and a Senior Advisor and Lecturer in Energy Law at the Technical University of Berlin. Agnieszka is also the Course Director for Informa's Certificate in LNG.