Featured in Foodservice
Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
Chef Tom Kerridge on the pressures of maintaining a Michelin star
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open
New restaurant business: Top tips to get ready to open

Meet the expert...

Brian Piper

Director of Content Strategy and Assessment at University of Rochester

Brian Piper

Brian Piper is an author, international keynote speaker, and consultant. Brian has been optimizing digital content since 1996. He has created training programs for hundreds of companies including Xerox, IBM, and Volvo. He has spent the last eight years focusing on data analytics, digital marketing, and content strategy. Since 2021, he has been diving into Web3, community building, and AI. When he's not creating data visualizations, he teaches wingsuit skydiving and spends time with his wife and six children.

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