Modern marketeers: The AI marketer
Modern marketeers: The AI marketer
24 Jan 2023

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As consumer habits change, a new field of 'Modern Marketeers' has emerged. These specialists focus on engaging their audiences in new or evolving mediums.
Pam Didner, B2B Marketing Consultant, shares her marketing insights as a successful author, speaker, and AI expert.
Table Of Contents
AI's many applications
Didner explains artificial intelligence's impact on our daily lives and how it can be applied to the marketing field.
Building an AI marketing strategy
While demonstrating how to market a fictional product using AI, Didner builds a roadmap for effectively inserting AI into your marketing plan.
AI-generated creative concepts
Bot versus human is no longer strictly a science fiction plot. Didner shares a case study from McCann Japan where its Creative Director and an AI are put to the ultimate creative test. Watch to find out who won.
Creating content in mass
They say to work smarter, not harder. When it comes to content, Didner shares a few of the writing assistance AI technologies that can help boost your content productivity.
Leveraging paid & organic
Didner shares the best ways to leverage AI algorithms through existing social media platforms to drive an effective marketing campaign.
Timing AI into your plan
Not all companies will be ready for AI just yet. Find out the best time to start considering it for your business or team.
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