'My biggest role is to listen to people'

'My biggest role is to listen to people'


In every company sits a leadership team that guides the strategy. Have you ever wondered what your C-Suite team was responsible for and how they got there? In the latest episode of our leadership series, Emma Davies, Chief Culture and People Excellence Officer at Masafi LLC. explains what it means to be a CCPEO and how to succeed in the role.

Table Of Contents

Understanding the role
Davies discusses the difference between a Chief Culture and People Excellence Officer and a Chief People Officer-- explaining how a team of expert leaders is what drives success.
Value to the company
Davies describes the value this role brings to the organisation, and the kind of passion required to make real, positive change.
Personal attributes of the role
Understanding how business works together with a passion for people allows the CCPEO makes a better analysis and finds new strategies.
Finding inspiration from the job
Discover how Davies finds inspiration and creates a thriving work environment for her organisation's employees.
Supporting other leadership roles
Davies compares the commonalities between her role and the Chief Human Resource Officer--and how they work together to support the overall business.
Managing oncoming challenges
Not every 'people' problem can be solved with a pay rise. Davies discusses some of the biggest issues surfacing as people begin to unwind from a tumultuous few years and how to meet those issues with fair performance management.
Post-pandemic leadership
Davies describes how she had to rip up the metaphorical policy 'rule book' during the pandemic, shifting her leadership style to be much more action-focused.
The unseen responsibilities
Davies explores how important coaching is to her role, and why it's not traditionally considered part of the job description.
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