PANEL | Challenges and solutions for dementia care

PANEL | Challenges and solutions for dementia care

22 Jun 2023|Healthcare
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Tamar KrebsTamar KrebsFounder & Executive Director at Group Homes Australia

Founder & Executive Director of Group Homes Australia Tamar Krebs is all about doing dementia differently. In 2011, Tamar founded Group Homes Australia, an innovative dementia and ageing small scale model. She attended 62 meetings, 38 presentations, was rejected 37 times before she found the right people to support her vision In a career spanning over two decades, Tamar has worked in establishments where standards ranged from ‘shockingly inadequate’ to those where residents experienced near ‘5-star hotel’ treatment.She understands the needs of older people, particularly those living with dementia, and this led to her believing there had to be ‘a better way’. This belief led to her founding Group Homes Australia, where 6-10 residents living beyond a diagnosis of dementia live in a home in their local community where they engage in life. Just three words define her clear objective: “Doing Dementia Differently”.

Tim EnglandTim EnglandDementia Consultant & Educator

Tim England is a Dementia Champion and is a leading voice on dementia in Australia and has been active in this area for over 12 years. Tim is a freelance dementia consultant and educator who De-mystifies and De-stigmatises dementia and advocates for people living with dementia and their families to live well. Tim achieves this by sharing information about dementias pathology, the personal impact of dementia, and what can be done to help. With a Bachelor of Dementia Care and being the first recipient of the world’s first Masters of Dementia degree, Tim is a skilled Educator, an Advance Care Planner, and a Public Speaker who delivers contemporary scientific evidence-based best practice for person centered care & support.

Zachary BaileyZachary BaileyCEO & MD at James Anthony Consulting

Zac Bailey is a software engineer and vocational trainer who has founded multiple successful businesses in South Australia over an 18 year tech career. Zac advocates the need for direct end-user involvement and feedback-seeking during all product design processes. He helped pioneer work-integrated-learning initiatives for TAFESA's software development program in 2011 and is deeply passionate about knowledge sharing and educational program design focused on creating empowered and capable individuals. Zac's engineering firm James Anthony Consulting created the "CareWindow" product in 2022 which has received national press coverage. CareWindow is a zero-touch communication device inspired by Zac's experience watching his late technologist father struggle with dementia. CareWindow is designed to empower those living with dementia to live their best lives by engaging with their family and community as often as possible through an accessible no-fuss communication platform. CareWindow is currently taking preorders while undergoing aged care facility user trials in SA

Prof Gary CheungProf Gary CheungOld Age Psychiatrist at University of Auckland, New Zealand

A/Prof Cheung is an academic old age psychiatrist at the School of Medicine, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. He co-leads the dissemination and research of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy in New Zealand. A/Prof Cheung was awarded the 2021 Alzheimers New Zealand Fellowship to recognise his contribution to psychosocial dementia research in New Zealand.

Katrina CrumpKatrina CrumpDementia & Behaviour Specialist at Uniting NSW/ACT

Katrina Crump is a Registered Nurse from NSW with a passion for improving care outcomes for people living the Dementia. Katrina has over 18 years’ experience in working in the Australian aged care sector, with a focus specifically in supporting those people living with Dementia. Katrina’s philosophy is that good dementia care is good care for all. Katrina holds a Masters of Person Centred Dementia Care from the University of Wollongong and is currently studying to become a Nuse Practitioner in dementia and gerontology. Katrina is an Executive member of GANA (Gerontological Alliance Nurses Australia) and currently working as a Clinical Dementia Specialist , with Uniting NSW/ACT.

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