The why behind the how: who's doing what, for who?

The why behind the how: who's doing what, for who?

22 Aug 2023|Healthcare
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Emily CaskaEmily CaskaCEO at Down Syndrome NSW

Emily has 20 years of executive leadership expertise in the disability, child protection, foreign affairs and corporate sectors across Australia, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Vietnam and the UK.

Emily has an 18-year history with Down Syndrome NSW where she is CEO. She is passionate about embedding authentic consumer centric approaches and strengthening the NFP sector as a central mechanism to build social capital.

Having attended Harvard University and the University of Sydney and worked in senior executive roles at National Disability Services, Lifestyle Solutions, Achieve Australia and as Deputy CEO at the Australian Chamber of Commerce to Hong Kong, China and Macau and CEO of Young Hotels Group, Emily has founded a number of social enterprises employing people with disabilities and mental health. She is also Board member of Rafiki Mwema, a charity in Kenya providing housing, schooling, court support, therapeutic care and community outreach services children who have been sexually assaulted.

Emily has lived experience of disability as a sibling to her witty, Lucy who happens to have an intellectual disability

Ellen HesterEllen HesterLiving with Down Syndrome at Down Syndrome NSW

Ellen is an Administration specialist who has worked at Down Syndrome NSW for over 6 years. Ellen holds Certificate III qualifications in fitness and health, as well as Leadership Training, and leads the administration functions within corporate services at Down Syndrome NSW. Ellen is a valued Ambassador of the UP! Club program at Down Syndrome NSW, providing mentoring and leadership.

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This session will invert the paradigm of advocacy and service provision - progressing from doing for and to, towards doing with people, unlocking the reciprocal benefit of working in this incredible sector informed at every step by people with disability. Practical tips on how to foster authentic inclusion within organisations coupled with personal insights from lived experience.

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