PANEL | Port logistics and infrastructure planning to enable a hydrogen export industry

PANEL | Port logistics and infrastructure planning to enable a hydrogen export industry

06 Dec 2022|Energy
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Lyle Banks Lyle Banks General Manager - Development and Trade, Pilbara Ports Authority at Pilbara Ports Authority

Lyle joined Pilbara Ports Authority in 2013 and is responsible for business development, industrial lands, port planning, procurement and service provider licensing and across all port sites.

He has extensive national and international experience in port planning and development and managed port expansion projects in Dampier, Port Hedland and Fremantle before joining Pilbara Ports Authority.

Billy CilliersBilly CilliersExecutive Advisor at GHD Advisory

Billy Cilliers has worked in excess of 25 years within the ports and logistics sector and has gained a strong and diverse experience profile in the development and operation of ports based on his employment within port authority, consultancy and contractor environments. He has demonstrated leadership skills and is a strong communicator who can articulate his holistic port experience to guide and manage multi-disciplinary specialist teams to achieve relevant, integrated and accurate master plan and logistic feasibility study outputs. Billy is familiar with diverse forms of port operations and port developments and understands the key risk factors associated with the undertaking of port-related studies. He is currently working on numerous hydrogen projects (Western Australia and Queensland) related to the optimal port location and logistics for scale development of green-based hydrogen production for use in domestic and export markets.

Daniel JacksonDaniel JacksonChief Operating Officer at Gascoyne Gateway Ltd

Daniel's life on, below and around the oceans and ports of the world began during his 14 years within the Royal Australian Navy, servicing as a Navy Clearance Diver and with the Australian Special Forces 2 Commando Regiment. During Daniel multiple deployments to active areas of operations, he received a commendation for the development of Navy’s Port Security Planning and detailed surveys for international ports in operational areas. Since 2011, Daniel has fulfilled senior management, consulting and executive roles, in project management, risk and business resilience strategies for public and private companies within exploration, mining, construction, heavy industry, training and technology. In June 2020 he was appointed Chief Operating Officer for Gascoyne Gateway, to deliver the $450M ‘Green’ deep-water multi-user port and renewable Hub in Exmouth, Western Australia, with a passion for enhancing Australia’s Sovereign Capability. Since 2019 Daniel has been a member of the Edith Cowan University Quality, Audit and Risk Committee, he holds an MBA from the University of Newcastle and Graduate Certificate in Governance and Risk Management from the Governance Institute of Australia and in 2022 was accepted into the American Chamber of Commerce, Global Leadership Academy.

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