Your marketing budget toolkit for thriving in a downturn

Your marketing budget toolkit for thriving in a downturn

Simon LeadbetterSimon LeadbetterFounder at Unchained Marketing

With a wealth of experience across sectors such as property, media, financial services, retail, and automotive , Simon Leadbetter our has invested many millions in marketing activity which has seen an impressive return-on-investment of close to 10:1. His speciality is devising creative marketing visions that optimise digital/traditional strategies while maximising commercial revenue streams; this can involve everything from transforming local to international marketing teams as well creating award-winning campaigns with tremendous ROI results.


You'd be hard pressed to find a country not impacted by the cost-of-living crisis, and this is reflected in the growing anxiety amongst consumers and their spending power. Brands are far better off highlighting their quality and reliability in times of uncertainty. Simon Leadbetter, Founder of Unchained Marketing shares his expertise on how brands can get creative with a limited marketing budget.

Table Of Contents

Rethink cutting your marketing budget
Discover how businesses of all sizes can adapt their marketing strategies to bounce back faster during economic downturns.
PESO Model
Leadbetter explains the versatility of the PESO model, which can be leveraged by marketers and non-marketers alike in all kinds of companies.
Using social media affordably
Leadbetter examines the benefits of utilising social media to reach a broader audience at no cost, and offers advice on creating compelling content.
The importance of partnerships
Leadbetter explains the significance of brand partnerships and highlights the benefits they offer to your marketing strategy.
Building brand loyalty amid global challenges
According to Leadbetter, as the cost of the living crisis and global challenges continue to loom, companies are focusing in on their customers and exploring opportunities to customise their marketing strategies.
Can big companies be as agile as small ones?
Leadbetter offers insights on how big companies can adopt an agile approach to their innovation processes in order to overcome economic challenges.
Limited budgets bring innovative solutions
Leadbetter believes that a lack of budget can inspire creative solutions and provide opportunities for companies to invest in their strategies for free.
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