
Nowadays, the more content you have to support a good marketing strategy, the better. But with all your other essential tasks in the mix, creating tonnes of content might seem daunting. What if you could create content once and leverage it across multiple platforms to save time and resources? Content Creator Doc Rock offers instructions on how to kick off your content workflow using live video as the recipe for multi-use content success!

Table Of Contents

What makes great multi-use video content?
No one wants to hear from the industry 'gurus' anymore. Rock underlines why authenticity and relatability are key to creating engaging multi-use content people want to watch.
How can live recording release the creative potential of content?
See how live video can be used to boost your workflow.
What about quality?
Tiger Woods didn't become a golf pro in a day. Rock says to start creating video content even if it's 'crusty' at first and trust you'll get better as you go along.
What is the strategy for producing multi-use content?
Starting with live video is great because of its low barrier to entry. Learn some of Rock's strategic tricks for taking one piece of content and multiplying it tenfold!
What is the benefit of creating content like this?
A constant flow of content is just one of the benefits Rock says might help close the gap between brands and customers. Learn the other benefits this method can bring to your marketing team.
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