EXECUTIVE PANEL | Setting up Your Organisation for Success and Ensuring People with Disability are at the Heart of Your Organisation

EXECUTIVE PANEL | Setting up Your Organisation for Success and Ensuring People with Disability are at the Heart of Your Organisation

19 Sep 2024|Healthcare
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Myron MannMyron MannCEO at Bedford GroupCat LancasterCat LancasterDirector, Professional Practice Centre for Practive Excellence at Life Without Barriers

Cat is a senior leader and clinician with over 20 years of experience in the social services sector, focused on improving the quality of life of individuals through innovative applications of positive behaviour support and person-centred practice frameworks. In her current role as Director of Professional Practice, Disability Mental Health she heads Life Without Barriers' Centre for Practice Excellence focusing on the translation of policy and research into best practice across LWB's disability and mental health services. Cat is passionate about closing the gap between evidence-informed practices and day to day performance to improve the quality of life of people with disability and those living with mental ill health.

Carol BerryCarol BerryCEO at The Disability Trust

Carol Berry started her career as a public interest and human rights lawyer, working for the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, the peak community legal centre in NSW. Carol has also previously been the CEO of the NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (NSW CID), the peak body for people with intellectual disability and their families in NSW. Carol has also worked for the NSW Ombudsman, assisting with the oversight of the disability sector, and in provider engagement and market development for the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Carol is currently the CEO of The Disability Trust.

David SwainDavid SwainCEO at Endeavour Foundation

David has a track record of growing and leading social purpose organisations. He is a strong advocate for creating inclusive communities where each person has a fair opportunity of reaching their potential. With experience gained across health and social services, military and regulatory environments, combined with over a decade of governance and executive leadership roles, David is able to navigate the worlds of public policy, strategic leadership and operations.

He is the CEO of Endeavour foundation, an independent, for purpose organisation established in 1951 to promote education inclusion of people living with intellectual disability. Today Endeavour is a diverse human service organisation with a strong focus on advocacy, independence, and employment.

David is a Director of Guide Dogs Queensland and has served on a number of community organisation boards. He holds qualifications in business, health science and education, is a graduate of the Australia Institute of Company Directors and is an alumnus of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

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