PANEL | Where will eMR design go next? Need or desire

PANEL | Where will eMR design go next? Need or desire

07 Mar 2024|Healthcare
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Kate RenzenbrinkKate RenzenbrinkDigital Health Advisor at Australian Digital Health Agency

Kate is a digital health nurse leader with a background as a clinician in acute care including general medicine and stroke nursing, cardiothoracics, gynaecology and cancer nursing as well as clinical education and aged care. She holds a Bachelor of Health Informatics (Professional Honours) and is a Certified Health Informatician Australasia as well as a Digital Health Adviser for the Australian Digital Health Agency. She is a strong advocate for patient-centred care and consumer involvement in healthcare and research using health IT tools.

Louis CheungLouis CheungEmm Team Lead at South Eastern Sydney Local Health District

With two years’ experience, Louis is a clinician who specialises in working in vaccination clinics and working from home.

He is also the Team Lead at South Eastern Sydney Health in New South Wales, leading electronic medications management changes in 16 hospitals across two local health districts. Louis is a strong advocate for better documentation of medicines information by all clinicians as he believes this has the most potential to bring better medicines-related care to patients.

Jeffrey OngJeffrey OngMedications Team Lead – EMR Project at The Royal Children's Hospital

Jeffrey is a pharmacist who has over 16 years’ experience in hospitals and 12 years’ experience working with medications in electronic medical records.

He is currently the medications team lead for the Parkville Precinct’s electronic medical record which consists of the Royal Children’s Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Royal Women’s Hospital and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, Australia.

Karen ChinKaren ChinSenior Pharmacist – Pharmacy Digital Health at Alfred Health

Karen is a clinical pharmacist by background with 9 years’ experience in the public hospital setting. Her current role is the Senior Digital Health Pharmacist at Alfred Health, and she is involved in managing a team that looks after the maintenance of digital health systems relating to medication management. Karen’s expertise includes working with EMR, pharmacy dispensing systems, infusion pump software, and automated dispensing cabinets. Karen has played a key role in the implementation of smart pump and EMR interoperability- the first implementation of its kind in Australia. Karen is passionate about the potential of digital health to enhance patient care through fostering genuine and cooperative relationships with clinicians.

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